fedex ship manager error codes

Appendix D: Error codes If you are attempting to ship an Express Shipment via the 020 Shipping Transaction or the 037 Email Label Transaction AND If the Init Control flag "GPR2.OFFERING_MASTER" is enabled or is not present, and a valid packaging type has been passed in tag 1273 "Packaging Type", and If the PACKAGING_AVAILABILITY_CONTROL grid returns a reply of DISALLOWED with no ENABLEMENT_ID for the requested packaging type, and all other existing valid shipping data has been passed in, then FedEx Ship Manager.

Appendix D: Error codes
Appendix D: Error codes from

FedEx Ship Manager ® at If you have multi-piece shipments or need advanced features for freight, alcohol or dangerous goods, log in with your FedEx account to complete your shipping process. More about.

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